How To Entirely Change Your Life Within The Next 365 Days (Solve 99% Of Your Problems Within 1 Year)
The Holistic Lifestyle Business Blueprint To Make $15,000-$30,000+ per month
INDEX (for scrollers)
Economic/Financial Development
Why You Should Take This Seriously
This article will change your life, if you take it seriously
If you don’t take it seriously, you will keep reading “top 10 tips solving xyz problem” articles, and your progress will be close to nonexistent
Because let’s be real for a second, you’re reading this because your yearly milestones have a tendency to remain milestones
Like how people say they’re going to lose weight after Christmas dinner, but then the new year starts and they are hardly active
Or how people say they’re going to start a business in the new year, but then 365 days later they are stuck exactly where they were before
This remains the same no matter the situation
You’re going to set goals this year (you most likely already have), and in 1 year from now your results will be mediocre at best
Because the reality is the following: You are not where you want to be, because you lack the knowledge, direction, and/or motivation, to bring about a change
The point of this article, is to give you all of those things, and all you need to do is read until the end
“Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want” - Naval Ravikant
A desire can only exist in the absence of fulfillment.
This means as long as you have a desire, it bares no function, unless you bring about the change that will turn that desire into a reality
This is exactly what most people (including you), are doing
They have something they want, but instead of developing hyperfocus on the right tasks that will get them where they want to be, they jump around, get distracted, or lack the guidance/direction to achieve their goal
They have a desire, but no pathway to fulfill the desire (and properly)
Because if your framework for achievement produced the results you desire, then you wouldn’t be reading this right now
Success is not linear, but it is replicable (to a certain extent)
But what is success? One could argue for every person its different, right?
I used to think that too, but after consulting hundreds of entrepreneurs and 9-5ers, and speaking to people all over the world on the problems they are experiencing, they all come down to 4 categories
Category 1 - Psychological
Category 2 - Financial
Category 3 - Biological
Category 4 - Spiritual
If you are a human being, and you fulfill the highest required level of achievement in these categories, you can realistically eliminate 99% of your problems
The potential this has for you is the following..
This means making enough money to enjoy life, and travel anywhere you want
This means no more worrying about mental blocks stopping your progress
This means no more worrying about being overweight or feeling like shit
This means identifying and overcoming any non clinical related psychological problems..
This means never wondering what your purpose in life is, and instead you will be focused on your life’s work
And most importantly, spending more time doing what you love, instead of suffering from locational dependance, financial requirements, and time constraints
Now let me stop you right there..
You are most likely thinking, “I don’t know man, Ian’s long form content is always so incredibly long, I don’t have the attention span to consume all of this stuff”
You’re right, you don’t, and that’s exactly why you should anyway
If my content was just like the random stuff you can find on medium or YouTube, then it wouldn’t change your life, it would just give you a quick fix to a solution that is buried under a mountain of other ones
No, this article, video, or podcast episode isn’t a quick fix, it can legitimately change your life, but only if you reach the end of it
Now, if you want to deliver mediocre results in the next 365 days, then stop reading or listening right now
But if you want to legitimately change your life, and achieve more than you’ve ever achieved in your life, within the next 365 days, then all you have to do is read or listen
And just so we’re clear, this article or video isn’t a watch once and forget type situation
It contains some of the most advanced human development methods and teachings that exist (no I didn’t just make that up)
Which means the following: You have to save the link to this piece of literature, go back to it regularly, and keep learning from it
Treat it like a book that just keeps giving
Because this is study material that will change your entire life, not some random article you found on medium that teaches you how to be more productive
What you are about to consume, is the culmination of over 26 years of life experience, and over 400 years of research studies, in a 8000 word educational article/video
I want you to fall asleep to the recording of this, I want you to take notes, I want you to embed this in your study material, I want you to relentlessly consume and then execute what I’m about to explain to you
This is not just an article, its a masterclass on creator economics and human development
Category 1 - Psychological/Cognitive
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." Ralph Waldo Emerson
To understand psychology, is to understand the inner workings of the mind
Why does a person do what they do, why does a person make the decisions they make
In short, its programming
Only through extensive reflection and contemplation can the human mind tap into “The Sphere of Human Development”
“The 4 Pillars Of Human Development”, determines your brain chemistry
It defines every action you take, and every decision you make/made up until this point, and onward
Not only does this determine the outcome of your life, but it also affects the wellbeing of the people around you
1 year from now (no matter when you are reading this), I want you to reach your peak, using the 4 pillars within the human development sphere
Let’s go over how the Sphere looks, by using a graphic:
The “Post Awakening Perspective Stage”
Its imperative that you reach this stage of cognitive development, because its specifically designed for people who are building a business, aka. An Entrepreneur
According to the most accepted research on cognitive development theory, Jean Piaget is the pioneer
His theory states that cognitive development consists of 4 stages:
Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
While this theory is widely accepted, it is still flawed, and has been questioned by multiple renowned psychology experts
The “Post Awakening Perspective Stage”, again brings into question its validity
According to Piaget, the formal operational stage is the highest level of cognitive development a human being can reach (typically from 11+ years of age)
Now if you understand psychology to a certain extent, you’d know this perspective, although widely accepted, is outdated, and most definitely inaccurate
The reason being, this theory is based on the perfect educational environment for the parties who take part
It does not take into account the revolutionary discoveries and development of human invention up to the present, and it also assumes that everyone involved have access to every conceivable resource they supposedly need
The Post Awakening Perspective Stage remedies this by introducing a new stage of cognitive development, one typically only present in the brain of the entrepreneur or enlightened, and that only shows its signs from age 12-116 years
This is the new level of intelligence, and thus, cognitive development
To be in this stage of psychological development, you need to fulfill the following requirements:
The Highest Level Of Education (discussed in previous articles): This means that they understand education is a tool that can get them anywhere, but they also understand that degrees and qualifications do not determine that level of education.
Your level of education is defined by your resourcefulness, not by spending a fortune on a degree then sending hundreds of job applications to barely make ends meet
Analytical Decision Making: They view important matters in regards to data, instead of emotion. They are able to remain objective when it comes to matters that could affect them, or others, personally.
This means you think every single decision through from an objective point of view
If you are an entrepreneur, this is going to be imperative for your success
If you are an every day person who has no intention of building a business, but you still want to reach your peak, then this will help you with every decision you make moving forward, for as long as you are alive
Is 100% Certain Of Their Attributer. (Discussed in spiritual category)
Every human being, no matter where they are in life, has an attributer
A reason why they do what they do, a greater entity or purpose that motivates them to get out of bed
For example, I recently had a conversation with someone who’s attributer is love itself
Love itself is the reason for this person’s actions
Why they get up in the morning, why they keep going, why they are who they are
An attributer can be almost anything, provided its powerful enough
And last but not least, Purpose Driven Decision Making
Without this attribute, you will have motivational problems
PDDM can be achieved by spending a lot of time experimenting with business models, marketing techniques, and self study
Then with enough time you will find something that “clicks”
Based off every experience you’ve had, every mistake you made, and every decision you made, you will find something that brings you into alignment
This means finding the thing you’re MEANT to be working on
No matter the business model, its important that you spend a lot of time in introspection, so you can find what it is you’re meant to be doing
If after you went through that process, your motivational issues are caused by overdependence on external sources of stimulation, or a chemical imbalance
Both of which society has already taught you how to solve through therapy, psychiatry consultations, supplements (discussed further down), and prescription medicine
Category 2 - Financial/Economic
Your bank balance is a result of your intellect, not your effort
Time Spent Working ≠ Money Deserved
Instead, the following principle needs to be ingrained in your mind
You get paid according to the gravity of the problem you solve, the financial situation of the person paying you, and the quality of your product
These are the top 3 contributors to your bank balance
Internalize the following:
The future of work lies in the hands of the creator
No longer should you be depending on a 9-5 to make ends meat.
A 9-5 is a catalyst or gateway to the life you should be living, not the roof of your financial journey
Financial freedom has never been easier to obtain
Decades ago building a successful business was designed for outliers, people who were visionaries, and often delusional. It meant you were gambling away a small fortune for your chance of hitting the jackpot
That is no longer the case.
Now anyone with an internet connection, a mobile device that can use social media, and a good product, can build a successful business
Once you accept this, your life will change
But if you refuse to accept this core reality, reading any further won’t help you
Over $75,000 in revenue results over 3 years
JK Molina:
Makes $100,000/mo running a consultation & coaching service without a qualification
Jason Fox:
Runs a $100,000/mo consulting agency
Daniel Fazio
Makes $650,000/mo running a lead generation company and a consulting company
How did they do it?
With a laptop, social media account, internet connection, no degree, and lots of perseverance
I can bring up success stories till my ears bleed, but the reality is the following:
The is the future of the world of work
These principles and phenomenon, is a result of “Creator Economics Theory”
And before you say “but why is it a theory?”
Anything determined through the scientific method can never have a 100% chance of accuracy, because there will always be isolated cases or outliers
Now that we’ve got the philosophy out of the way, how do you actually change your entire financial situation within 1 year? By focusing on the following 3 things
A product, can be a service, an ebook, a course, a book, a subscription etc.
Doesn’t matter
What matters is that it solves an actual problem the market is experiencing
How do you find a problem you know the market is experiencing?
There’s 2 avenues to achieve this
Avenue 1 - You do extensive market research
Spend time on quora, reddit, and facebook groups
Use keywords to search for problems related to the direction you’re going in with the product
If you’re in the fitness niche, then type in “fitness problems”
The more data you get the more specific you can get
And the more specific you get, the more data you can get
Once you have the data, you know what’s in the demand
Then you create a free account on canva and gumroad, create a nice book cover using canva, do research on solutions to the problem, develop your own method to solve the problem based on scientific results (or ideally use your own experience), and publish the product
Avenue 2 - become the solution
This method is the one I suggest you use, as its much easier to create a marketing campaign for, find customers for it, and write a sales page for it
While Dan Koe is the one who brought this into the creator economy, this practice makes use of human psychology, so its not hard to understand why it works
Him, and many other people using his methods have used it to generate millions of dollars (even if its the least likely to be used by people out of the 2 options)
So how does it work?
Let’s say you’re about 45, and you hurt you knee, then 3 months later the pain is still there
You don’t trust anyone to solve the problem due to personal reasons, so you start doing research on solving it yourself
With time you learn that actively using the muscle in certain movements, and increasing blood flow to the injured area, decreases the pain over time
You then double down on what works, and keep learning from alternate educational sources and books
By 6 months you’ve developed a method to completely eliminate the problem
You have now become the solution
This is how anyone can become an authority on a subject
No, you don’t need to be a therapist, doctor, or have a piece of paper on the wall in your office that some university gave you to “prove”, you are credible
What you need is data proven results that your methods work, and data does not care about degrees, since its purely analytics
The way people realized the symptoms of covid was by observing the data
What was happening to people
Based on the recurring symptoms, they defined the illness, and when a new strain showed up, they could explain that its a new strain, because the data analytics showed a difference in symptoms and their effects
Data does not care about your “qualification”, because if you have the data because you did the research (which anyone with a moving body, an internet connection, and a smartphone can do), you have scientific based evidence that what you’re saying is true
From there all you need to do is create a free gumroad account, create a book cover or course cover for the product on canva, write the sales page with a description that would have made you buy the product if you found it online, then base the content of the course on the solution you discovered
Congratulations, you now have a product, a sales page, and you’re not scamming people since you know it works
And remember, every product has outliers or isolated cases.
Your product will not be 100% effective, because there is no scientific discoveries that are 100% true (so sometimes you won’t be able to help someone)
Don’t second guess yourself, Its part of the journey.
Now, assuming you went this route because you are passionate about the direction (this is going to be important if you don’t want to start over and lose all your progress later), it means you can create a value ladder from the product
What you do from here is take a module out of the course that introduces the problem, hints at a solution to the problem, and explains why it works
Then you copy that module, and create a free product people get when they sign up to your newsletter → This is called a lead magnet
Now you have ONE product, but 2 solutions at varied complexities
Lead magnet → $9-$25 product → ???
Now you take the paid product you created, do even more research, get even more case studies, improve it even more, add even more course material, and turn it into a third product that’s way more advanced (and way more effective), and price it at $80-$150
Your value ladder:
Free Lead Magnet → $9-$25 low ticket product → $80-$150 mid ticket product → ???
Now you have ONE product, but 3 solutions at varied complexities
So up till now you’ve done prerecorded instruction, now you’re doing hands on instruction
Some people will struggle despite getting your $80-$150 product
That’s where the mid to high ticket tier comes in
In the $80-$150 product, offer them to upgrade so they can work with you directly
This can be a cohort, group coaching, a private mastermind where you consult them on a daily basis, an exclusive private curriculum in addition to the course material with a more hands on approach like a community, etc.
To be clear, you are selling access
By bringing yourself into the equation, you drastically increase the value of the offer, including the value it is perceived at
Imagine someone offered you a subscription for infinite apples, but you never see their face..
But if you pay more, they talk to you in person and hand you the apple with a personalized thank you note
Both have the same time commitment, but actually talking to the person increases the perceived value of the offer
When it comes to produce, our society has become used to not having to talk to the middleman, sure, but this principle remains the same no matter what you are buying
So why am I hammering on this?
Because if you can teach in your digital product how to solve the problem, you can educate people through a hands on approach, to do it as well
And of course, if someone showed you through a hands on approach how to solve the problem, with step by step instruction, its easier to understand, and it should eliminate most of your uncertainties
Schools and universities had the right idea with the hands on approach, but instead of solving burning problems, they solve broad problems
Problems like “education”, or “Job placements”
Whereas what you are solving is more niche specific problems
A more specific problem means its attached to a larger frustration
“Education” is a vague problem, but “How to build an infoproduct business using social media to $10,000/mo”, is a much more specific problem
One MIGHT open doors to potential opportunities that may solve problems on a broad spectrum, but the other will ensure you get a life of freedom from location, responsibility, and get back your time
Or “learning geography”, vs “here’s how to find your life partner within the next 6 months”
One teaches you a skill that you might never use, the other one solves a problem that every single person in life has, and always will have, that will change the outcome of their entire life
What I’m getting at here, is that a broad solution that might produce opportunities in a wide spectrum, is not a burning problem
The only reason people are so dependent on the schooling system, is because they’ve been brainwashed to think its the only way to make a living..
But if you’ve been reading my articles, you should know that objectively, this is inaccurate
So what do you gain by working on a burning problem instead of a broad spectrum problem?
Perceived value
Like if you go to the doctor with a broken leg.. Once you hear the price you’re not going to be like, “O, that’s too expensive, nvm”
No, you are going to pay them, because the broken leg is a burning problem
What this means is, people become dependent on your solution.
And if you’re operating in a market where very few people offer the same solution, they are most likely going to pay you a lot of money to solve the problem
Because what else are they going to do?
Pay someone else more or less the same amount? Search for an alternative?
99% of them will pay, even if its a large amount
This is what your mid to high ticket product is supposed to do. Offer to solve a burning problem
But in this case, its a problem you can make them aware of through content
So if your digital product or course was a masterclass on “Completely eliminating knee pain caused by aging”, then your mid to high ticket offer can be “Weekly consultation and video calls, holding your hand through the knee pain elimination process (includes access to my private mastermind of clients with the same problem)
This means that in the event they are uncertain of themselves, or they are thinking, “how do I solve this problem”, they can send you or the mastermind a quick message, and get the answer within seconds
Your value ladder:
Free Lead Magnet → $9-$25 low ticket product → $80-$150 mid ticket product → $600-$5000 coaching package
Now you are solving the same problem, at 4 different levels of complexity, with each higher level including more benefit
To give you an idea, I’ve spoken to people who’ve made millions with this formula, and in the last 80 years this has made billions of dollars
The reason the starving writer remains starving, is because he has no value ladder
But what do you do now? Are people just magically going to buy your product, or enter your funnel/value ladder?
No, they won’t. Because no one knows your solution exists
To solve that, you need traffic→ Here’s how to produce it
Method 1 - Building Leverage
If you’re not making sales, you have a traffic problem. Next logical course of action if you don’t have traffic - Create it
How do you do that?
By building it
Keep in mind this can take anywhere from 6-12 months, depending on your method
The concept is basic.
To build leverage, you need to understand the principles of attraction
Have you ever seen the views on some YouTube videos where it says “2 million”
Or X/twitter posts where it says “100k”
Yea, that’s what you call leverage
And without realizing it, these people are making use of those principles
Here’s how you can too:
The human mind pays attention to something if it fulfills one of, multiple, or all of these functions
Does it educate?
Meaning does it teach them something they might have struggled with before, or not have known before, and would they define it as insightful
Does it entertain?
When they read or listen to your content, does it make them smile, laugh, or express some kind of joy? Because that is something people pay attention to
It’s the reason why you’ve most likely found yourself mindlessly scrolling through tiktok, instagram reels, or YouTube shorts
That is the entertainment principle in effect
And the third one is inspiration
Have you ever seen a social media post I thought, “Omw that’s so true!”, then you like it or repost it, or share it with a friend?
That’s the inspiration principle in effect
You read something, find it relatable, then you might even follow the account
Which introduces the new problem.. Conversions
Sure, you can create one of these content types, but that’s not going to cut it
If you only do educational content, you attract a certain group of people who don’t act on emotion → This is a problem
People buy because of emotion, not because of data
They become aware of the problem due to education, but rationalize their thought process when buying with emotion
This means they might see you talk about how they should do less cardio and more weightlifting, but when presented with your product on helping them get started, they won’t invest
But if you did that, and THEN you posted a story of your transformation when you switched from prioritizing cardio to prioritizing weightlifting, and how your life changed.. And you present them with your starter kit for weightlifting, they are more likely to invest
The lessons here is combination instead of singular creation
You need to combine the 3 pillars of content, to create a message that people want to invest in (this does not mean focusing on only 1 won’t work)
But you are handicapping yourself by not combining them
Entertain, Educate, Inspire
Go on X, substack, Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin
Engage with the community
Post daily
Dedicate 6 months to this practice
No idea what format to post in?
Grab my short form writing framework (Insert your email to get it)
That gives you a foundation for every post you post, ensures some people actually care about your posts, and provided you are engaging with the community, you will get people engaging with your posts
Then you get them into your private free community or email list, so you can convert them from there
Method 2 - Borrowing Leverage
Sitting at 0 followers on social media with no idea how you’re going to make actual money from the start?
The answer is simple, borrow it
Network, hold workshops, build partnerships, start a mastermind, build a community, do basically everything in your power to get as many people to see you as possible, by leveraging the audience of other people
In the conclusion of this article I will break down an entire timeline for you, to ensure you can pull this off yourself
Ways you can do this
1 - Authority Threads
This is a long form post on social media that speaks about a famous historical figure, and what you learned from them
Post 1 once a week on X/twitter, get as many people to retweet and like it as possible, repeat
Bad ones will get like 200 views, good ones can get over 40,000 views
Then you plug your newsletter, product, or service at the bottom of it
2 - Mention Posts
When you’re explaining something on social media, and you speak about something that’s related to what you learned from someone else who’s influential, then you can @ them in your post
For example:
“To solve this problem you need to do xyz, and much like @person teaches, you need to keep into account this and this when doing your calculations”
These posts might get liked or reposted by the people you mentioned
Then the views increase
You then plug something you want to promote at the bottom
Integrate this into your weekly posts
On substack people often mention authors and their articles at the bottom of their long form articles - This is exactly the same thing
3 - Partnerships
Find someone who has a large audience, and get them to collaborate with you on content or products
Its simple, but actually getting bigger guys interested in what you’re selling or creating, is the hard part
I’ve written multiple articles on this, just click on my publication name, click on “educational articles”, and search for an article called “The 4 Stage Prospect Psychology Framework”
Want to add an extra $1000 per month to your business, even if you don’t have any followers? The list of 10 people is filling up
Category 3 - Biological
"Neuroplasticity is not just for the young; it's a lifelong feature of our brains."
Dr Andrew Huberman
The brain adapts to conditioning, just as our behaviors change due to conditioning
No matter the age, the brain can be molded
If you spend 10 years watching pornography, your brain adapts
If you spend 10 years taking cold plunges, your brain adapts
If you read 50 books in 5 years, your brain adapts
There’s a direct correlation between your potential, and your ability to adapt your biological makeup
And your biological makeup is not only affected by your efforts, but also your genetics
I’ve been drinking prescription meds for over 15 years, and I’ve had to change medication on multiple occasions, not because they weren’t working, but because my biological makeup changed after I aged, so the effect of the medicine started changing
This is genetic code and its functioning
Which brings us to the point of this category..
Identifying what you need to reach the optimal state of the 5 most most important bio markers (based on extensive scientific research)
Bio Marker 1 - Gut Health
Extensive studies have been done one this, and the synopsis is that your entire immune system is effected by the state of your gut
Bio Marker 2 - Cardiovascular Health
The state of your body, muscle functioning, bloodflow, and all over biological constitution is affected by your this market
Bio Marker 3 - Bodyweight
Pretty self-explanatory, but basically get your weight under control through consistent discipline and health regulation practice
Bio Market 4 - Immune System
Your immune system determines if you get sick, effects whether you can pick up a deadly disease down the line, and controls countless other aspects of your mortality
Bio Market 5 - Inflammation
In scientific studies done the past 15 years, the data is clear - Inflammation is directly connected to how long you live, how likely you are to pick up deadly illnesses, and longevity
Reaching Optimal Gut Health
Think of your body as an ecosystem. Besides the billions of cells it consists of, your body is also the habitat for all kinds of micro-organisms, and your gut is the place where most of them spend their time
True, we may not see micro-organisms the same way we see other human beings, but just because we fail to perceive them, does not mean they don’t also play a large role in the upkeep of our immune system
Microbial Balance refers to the state where the diverse community of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) within an ecosystem like the human gut, skin, or any other habitat, exists in a harmonious and functional equilibrium
This is one of the key factors when it comes to Gut health (and most people don’t even know its a factor when it comes to their quality of life)
One of the factors that determines your health, is the diversity of your diet
Because due to Gut Health, the diversity of your diet determines your overall health
Your diet diversity can be regulated through consumption, and the 4 following are large determining factors
Probiotics: These are live bacteria and yeasts beneficial for health, found in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha. They help restore microbial balance.
Prebiotics: Foods high in fiber like vegetables (artichokes, asparagus), fruits (apples, bananas), whole grains, and legumes foster the growth of beneficial bacteria. They serve as food for probiotics.
Polyphenols: Found in foods like berries, nuts, and dark chocolate, these compounds can enhance gut bacteria diversity.
Fermented Foods: Regular consumption can introduce a variety of helpful bacteria strains to the gut.
When it comes to gut Health there’s plenty more scientific research, but understanding these 4 contributors is a solid basis for better Gut Health management in the next 365 days
Reaching Optimal Cardiovascular Health
Aerobic Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. Activities like walking, running, cycling, or swimming increase heart rate, strengthen the heart muscle, and improve circulation.
Strength Training: Incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises at least twice a week. They help manage weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
While I would normally agree with both of these, it should be noted that new scientific research has proven the following: Prolonged cardio exercises to the extent this study shows, might not be ideal, since the more cardio you do, the more you wear down your nervous system (this can cause a higher susceptibility to illness)
So instead of 150 minutes of cardio a week, it would be better to do 15 minutes of cardio before weightlifting, and an 8 mile hike on Saturdays
Then you weightlift and do bodyweight exercises for 4/7 days of the week
And again my concern with the way the current education was designed, is validated
If you just Google it, you’d find there’s plenty of books on Cardiovascular and Gut health that teach alternative, yet highly effective medicinal methods of recovery, that large educational institutions are not teaching
Independent research and scientific research is becoming more and more frequent, to such an extent that you can no longer claim just because a university did a study on it, it means there is no other scientific answer to solve the problem in a different way
Let’s look at business for a second. When it comes down to it, business is science.
You encounter a problem, determine how to solve the problem, run tests to prove its not an isolated case, develop case studies of people who’ve gotten similar results with your methods, then you use those to provide services to organizations, or you create educational products based on them
You’ve done an entire scientific study, and now you can sell that information or the skillset for thousands of dollars
The best information about any topic has most likely already been created, and 80% of the time its not mainstream information
Like while doing research for this article, Grok (x/twitter’s AI), told me “Grok is not a doctor, please consult a medical professional”
At this rate, unless someone is actively doing a surgery (which machines are getting better and better at doing btw), then you cannot claim someone who overcame an illness previously determined by modern medicine to be incurable, through only dietary experimentation, cannot be trusted (many such cases)
If this person has proven results in the form of case studies from other people, then depending on the amount of case studies, they don’t need a medical professional to confirm it can be trusted
True, often the people doing this independent research are scientists or doctors, but that is by no means a requirement
You can do independent research to solve problems, its how I learned 85% of the things I know about human psychology
Reaching Optimal Bodyweight
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but to keep your body weight in check, your nutrition is going to be way more important than your exercise routine
You can do all of the exercise I discussed in the previous section, but if you don’t eat correctly, and you consume too many calories per day, you will see very little difference in bodyweight (besides some added muscle over a 6 month period)
How does one reach optimal bodyweight?
Maintain a calorie deficit. This means consuming less than you burn per day in calories → Count every single thing you eat if you have to
Do research, pay a nutritionist, or do independent research for a custom nutrition plan. Not all human beings have the same reaction. There is no specific diet that will solve your problem, some will work, some will not
Your goal here is not to find some random breakthrough nutrition plan someone developed, no. Your job is to learn what works for you, then implementing THAT
This means spending a lot of time on research, a lot of time on consulting people, a lot of video watching, maybe attending lectures etc.
It doesn’t matter, as long as you are actively gaining information, and investing in education or services that can get you where you need to be
And most importantly, stick to your exercise routine
Let’s say for example sake you weigh 200 kgs, or 440 pounds
Could you, within 1 year, lose all that weight
Let’s look at the data
Most fitness programs take 6 months to produce results, meaning if you do your research well, and you stick to a well researched nutrition plan that fits your biological makeup, you should be able to make massive progress within 6 months of hard work
No, within 6 months you won’t suddenly be a supermodel, but you will be much closer to where you want to be, and at that point you’ve developed the habits and discipline required to maintain that regimen
But if you lack discipline, if you can’t leave the sugary foods alone, and you have destructive habits of consuming too much food that’s available in the house, you’re going to struggle immensely
I’ve discussed methods to remain disciplined and organized before, so its best you search through my articles to see if you can find one that addresses your problem
The reality is this: If you cannot maintain discipline, you are way too comfortable in your current situation, or you are way past the point where you can solve this problem yourself
Get a training or gym buddy, do your research, stick to the plan
Developing and Maintaining A Healthy Immune System
Achieving this is not a difficult process, and I have already discussed most factors that determine how healthy your immune system is
What else can you incorporate for an optimal immune system state?
Data analysis
Avoid Unnecessary Antibiotics:
Overuse can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and lead to antibiotic resistance, which can indirectly affect immune health.
I’ve already gone over this, but in short, DO NOT compromise your gut health
Extensive scientific studies have shown why.
Check for Deficiencies:
Regular health check-ups can help identify deficiencies or health issues that might impair immune function.
Most people are naive. They think they will be fine, and that they don’t need a health checkup, but every human being picks up health related issues as they age, and this is normal
Your job is to first understand, then accept that, because if you don’t, you leave yourself open to suffering from a severe problem down the line
“But Ian, I can’t afford so many health checkups”
This is because you have yet to understand the Law of Creator Economics
You should be paid according to the results you deliver, not the amount of time you spend delivering results
The timeframe thing on upwork and being paid according to the hours you work is wrong for this exact reason
Build a business, automate what you don’t have to do yourself, drastically increase your income, never worry about medical checkup payments again
This is your reminder: 9-5s or dayjobs were never meant to bring your prosperity
Build your own thing, get to work. make infinitely more than you could make at a 9-5, problem solved
No idea how to get started? I recently launched something new
If you want to have everything you need to consistently make an extra $1000 per month, and all you have to do is write on social media, this bootcamp is for you
Stick with me for 90 days, and you’ll be landing 3-5 service based clients per month, have 3 full developed digital products, and post 4 posts to 4 different platforms per day
If you’re a beginner or you’re a writer who still thinks they need to get paid subscribers or have plenty of followers/subscribers to make any money, this is for you (you can have 0 followers and still add an extra $1000/mo to your income)
I’ve used these same methods to generate multiple 5 figures in revenue online
If diet alone isn't sufficient, consider supplements, which many people might need. Do independent research, find alternative health experts teaching about supplements, take from that knowledge base, start using them accordingly
In the medical field there’s a stigma against supplements, that they don’t work, that they don’t produce results, that the effect “is all in the head”
Growing up with parents who are medical professionals, I used to believe this as well, but after spending years being exposed to educational literature teaching the positive effects of supplements
Data has proven time and time again that some supplements can increase testosterone by up to 40%, and they solve a myriad of other problems
There’s hundreds of case studies I’ve found from real life people who’s entire live’s have changed as a result of supplements
Provided you consume the right ones, supplements can change your life, and drastically increase your quality of life, especially if you’re struggling with something debilitating
Achieving Optimal Inflammation Parameters
Your are an organism, and your body is how that organism stays alive..
Yet most people neglect the organism
They either lack the education, insight, intellect, resourcefulness, or understanding that puts them in a position where the organism is at its optimal state
True, I’ve been hammering on this the whole biological health part of this piece..
But when it comes to inflammation, your body has a deterioration effect
Scientific studies have shown that there’s a direct correlation between Chronic Inflammation, and the speed at which you age
Dr Andrew Huberman is an American Neuroscientist and college professor, and he’s the main teacher of Chronic Inflammation
According to his scientific research, Acute Inflammation helps with recovery, but Chronic Inflammation is directly connected to your mortality
Chronic inflammation can lead to a decrease in health span and lifespan by promoting conditions like atherosclerosis, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
In short, the higher your Chronic Inflammation, the more likely your body is going to break down earlier, than it would have, had you kept your CI levels under control
I’m making sure you understand the brevity of this..
Because when entrepreneurs take cold showers, or climb in freezing baths, they aren’t just doing it as a “productivity hack”, they are literally aging at a slower rate than the person not doing it, as a result
No, this isn’t just a “trend”, or “something that’s mainstream”
Its objective fact, based on extensive scientific research
So now that you hopefully understand how serious this bio marker is, how do you keep it under control?
Consuming Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Huberman recommends at least 1 gram of EPA from fish oil daily to lower inflammation, which indirectly supports brain and body health, potentially extending healthspan.
Sleep and Stress Management:
Sleep Quality: Good sleep hygiene practices can mitigate inflammation. Huberman notes that lack of sleep increases inflammation, which can negatively impact health and longevity.
Stress Management: Techniques like deliberate cold exposure can reduce inflammation and improve mood and metabolic function, contributing to longevity.
According to Andrew Huberman, for water exposure to be considered cold, it should typically be in the range of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 15.5 degrees Celsius).
Huberman often discusses how these temperatures can evoke significant physiological responses beneficial for health, like increasing dopamine levels, enhancing alertness, and reducing inflammation. However, he also notes that the exact temperature can be adjusted based on individual tolerance and the desired intensity of the exposure.
According to a quote from Huberman, 14 min of cold water exposure per week is good enough
Lifestyle and Behavioral Changes:
Fasting: Intermittent fasting can help regulate inflammation by promoting autophagy, which clears out damaged cells and proteins, potentially aiding in longevity.
And last but not least, Supplements
Huberman advises to not use supplements out of nowhere, and instead reach an optimal health status, and if you’re still having problems, you need to consult a medical professional
Apart from the first reaching optimal health part, I don’t fully agree, as if you were to find someone who taught themselves all of these skills and the knowledge connected to these skills themselves, you can trust them just as much
Science is data, and anyone through enough effort can gather data and, establish a hypothesis, and gather case studies that proves it
If I specifically target university students in a college campus city, and I stop 500 woman on the street and ask them if they would sleep with a man on the first date, and 350 of them say “yes”, then I have just developed a case study that proves the hypothesis that 70% of woman in university might not have the same moral compass as they they did in High School
Then all I need to do is keep doing these tests, and with each tests my results will be more and more conclusive
With a 100 case studies in the same area, with different woman, all from university, and now have 50,000 scientifically based results that proves my hypothesis
As I said, anyone can do scientific research, provided they have the right equipment and resources
For more info on Andrew’s Regimen on supplements that optimize his health, just search on Google “Andrew Huberman Daily Supplement Routine”
Category 4 - Moral/Spiritual
Spectrum Social Awareness Theory
Jonathan Haidt’s Social Intuitionist Model argues that moral judgement is largely intuitive or instinctive
Meaning a human being will instinctively know when something is moral, and when something is not moral
The issue is related to this is the nature of programming
If you grew up in an isolated environment, and you were conditioned to think a certain way, to behave a certain way, to be a certain way, you could be taught to go against your what Haidt calls “intuition”
This is a common occurrence in cults, where people lose their moral compass or sense of values, and are reprogrammed into a new more sinister set of them
In this scenario your moral compass is clearly not being determined by your intuition, but by programming
Thus Haidt’s theory and its validity, is brought into question
Instead, one could argue moral judgement is a combination of instinct, programming, and circumstance
Based on data analytics and experiences, this makes a lot of sense
This is where “Spectrum Social Awareness Theory”, comes into play
Its based off the notion that those without social awareness, will not be able to rely on their intuition in order to make sound moral judgement
Since social awareness and moral compass intertwine in some places
Why is this important to you?
Because if you don’t control your programming to a certain extent, even with the required intuition, you might make the wrong judgement in your day to day life
So control your programming, by controlling your environment
You do this by first disregarding your initial programming, identifying those who possess the programming you can objectively tell will benefit you the most, only surrounding yourself with those people, building a network with likeminded thinkers who are or will be influential moving forward, and controlling the path you follow, instead of letting your surrounding control you
If you want peak moral development, you need to break free from your preconceived idea of it, and create your own using books, articles, videos, podcasts, and everything you can find that helps you shape the moral future you KNOW will give you the maximum amount of security
Because in the end the purpose behind moral development is not blind faith in something you have no proof of, but objective self induced belief in something you truly believe in, that aligns with your life’s purpose, and will help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe, both mentally, and physically
You are who are you as a result of your programming
So control your programming to control your security and purpose
Attributer Theory
No, I’m not going to tell you what to believe.
There are so many religions, beliefs, and faiths in the world
If I had to explain it, I’d quote world renowned clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson:
“Everyone has a God, because no one can function without God”
To be clear, what Jordan is referring to is not God as in Christ, or God as in Allah, or any God in particular, no
What this refers to is the requirement for purpose in life
Without God (your attributer), why would you get up in the morning?
Where do you gain your purpose from?
At first I thought what Jordan said can be questioned, since Atheists don’t believe in a God..
However, with enough introspection I came to realize he’s still 100% correct
Because even Atheists determine a purpose in life
And as I said, God in this example is not necessarily a deity, but can instead be defined as an attributer
Why do you get up in the morning? What propels you forward? That is an attributer
Now you most likely already have an attributer, because no person can really function without it
But if there was ever a time where you should question who your attributer should be, it should be now
Because eliminating 99% of your problems means knowing your attributer, never losing faith in your attributer, and even if something goes wrong, your attributer should not be brought into question
Let’s look at Buddhism for a second..
Buddhists believe that suffering is part of life
Then let’s compare that to Christianity
Christians are taught that as long as you obey God, go to Church, read the Bible, and Pray.. Misfortune will not befall you
Now let’s do a thought experiment
You’ve been a Buddhist for 10 years, and suddenly your father is diagnosed with terminal cancer
Its untreatable, and he only has 6 months to live
A Buddhist will think, “well this is part of life”
Whereas a Christian is likely to fall into a deep state of despair, and most likely have a massive existential crisis
Who out of those 2 individuals, despite what they’re going through, will do the best mentally in 6 months?
Who out of those 2 individuals do you think will make actual life progress, and have less trouble making that progress?
Who out of those 2 individuals, if they ran a business that needs to keep running, will have an optimal business by the end of 6 months?
Obviously mental health wise the Buddhist will do much better
In fact, that person will most likely tell themselves, “well this is part of life”, and despite their sadness, they will continue their day to day life
Whereas the Christian might stop functioning almost entirely, develop clinical depression, and in a worst case scenario, lose their source of income
The is Attributer Theory in effect
I’m not going to tell you what to believe, but I will tell you this:
What you believe to be true, will determine the outcome of every struggle you face in your life, and whether you will ever recover from those struggles
The Timeline
Assuming you’re starting this direction on the 19th of your new year, here’s what you need to do
Day 19 - Study and determine your attributer
Day 35 - Start your social media account + newsletter
Day 40 - Develop a consistent content schedule + 45 min daily study
Day 50 - Develop your value ladder with all its offers
Day 80 - Send 15 DMs a day on your chosen social media app to sell your offers
Day 90 - Partner with a big creator on your first product launch
Day 100 - Research a nutrition plan for your biological makeup
Day 110 - Develop a fitness routine using this piece of literature
Day 105 - Incorporate supplements to make up for health deficiencies
Day 110 - Land your first $300-500/mo retainer
Day 115 - Outsource your DMs to a VA at $200/mo
Day 130 - Reach $1500/mo
Day 135 - Borrow as much traffic for your products and services as possible
Day 145 - Setup a referral network using past clients
Day 150 - Increase high ticket offer price
Day 160 - Start leveraging your audience for sales and clients
Day 170 - See a drastic increase in intellect due to the study effect
Day 180 - Go from $1500/mo to $15,000/mo repeating what you’ve been doing
Day 300 - Be in the best shape of your life
Day 365 - Invest in real estate, retire your family, fly anywhere you want, you’re free
Let’s be clear, even with the highly advanced methods in this article, video, or podcast, you’re going to struggle.. Trust me I know, since I’ve lived it
Want me to hold your hand all the way from nothing to $1000-$15,000 per month? Grab Your Spot